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Customs & Import Fees


As all orders are currently shipped from the USA, you may be subject to additional import fees upon delivery.

Europe – Customs Duty is not due for goods, provided directly to you when their value does not exceed 150 euros. The VAT rate is the one applicable in the country where the goods are being delivered.  VAT is not due when the total value of all goods in a consignment (value not inclusive of customs duties or transport costs) is less than a threshold. The threshold may vary from 10 euros to 22 euros, depending on the EU country.

Australia – All orders above AUS$1000 will be subject to import duties. This figure can vary depending on the value of the parcel, so please check with the Department of Home Affairs for more information

New Zealand - All orders above NZD$60 will be subject to import duties. This figure can vary depending on the value of the parcel. You can get an estimate from the New Zealand Customs Service website.

International countries may be subject to additional custom & import fees. If you're still unsure on whether you'll be subject to customs fees, we'd recommend contacting your local customs office for more information before placing your order.